The Small Business Millionaire

How Do You Know When It's Time to Sell Your Business? 5 Points of Consideration | Ep #4

Jeff Wiener Episode 4

Why did you start your business?

If you started it because you are passionate about the industry you’re in or that you’re excited by the prospect of running and growing a business, that’s enough of a “why” to keep you going past the early business-year struggles.

If, on the other hand, you decided to start a business because you’re looking to become rich, or for a quick mega million business sale, and that’s your sole motivating factor, then it might be a difficult road ahead.

It is important to remember that before you decide to sell your company, you need to think carefully about “why.” Scooping a few dollars might put a short-term smile on your face, but it doesn’t replace many of the things you’ll invariably miss, such as the energy of running a business and the feeling of significance of being its President.

In this podcast, I review five points of consideration and things you'll want to ask yourself before you commit to selling.